September 22, 2008

The Little Pink House That Could

My mother purchased it at auction, maybe nine months ago. There has never been any particular plan for the house. It just happened to be located on a prime corner in Chester, right across from my grandparents' land. After purchase, it became storage for random junk— some stuff from my family's move and some things my mom picked up at local estate sales.

I've been given the keys— freedom to do with the pink house what I would like! So I spent the past week sorting through things. I'm now the proud owner of a vintage portable typewriter, an old counting machine, a really awesome chandelier, etc. The house is old and it needs structural work if it is going to be used for any real purpose— such as living inside, or setting up shop.

Until any of that is done, I plan to use the front room for planting since it has windows facing south and west. I have some indoor planting projects that I can't wait to get started on. The next room over also gets great sunlight and will be used for painting and art projects. I rolled up this tacky and fun linoleum in the paint room yesterday, to discover beautiful, well-built wood floors underneath. They just need to be sanded and refinished.

I expect a significant amount of my time in the near future will be spent in the pink house. I will be uploaded pictures of treasures I find inside for fun, so look forward to that!

For fun, and in the country spirit, I leave you with John Mellencamp, Pink Houses.
"Little pink houses for you and me"

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